Storage Vessels ,Silos & Centrifuge :

The Sidhi Pharma Equipments is leader supplier for the manufacturing of storage tanks. There are different type of storage vessels are used for he liquid and gaseous material storage in every process industry. Storage silo's are used for the solid material storage.

Storage vessels & Silos :

we offer a range of Storage tanks suitable for storage of chemicals, strong acids, alkalis, oxidizing agents etc. According to the chemical/acid properties, storage specifications, vertical/horizontal, we design the tank in Mild Steel and Stainless Steel. Various types of linings are also offered by us for protecting the Tanks from corrosive nature of the Chemicals and Acids Storage Tanks are durable in construction finish and finds application in different processes in Chemical Industries like crystallization, distillation, hydrolysis, neutralization and others. Having application in industry sectors

Centrifuge :

In basket centrifuges, the solids & liquids are separated by centrifugal force using a filter media (usually a cloth) mounted over supporting mesh, which are together supported inside the rotating basket. The slurry to be filtered is fed through the feed nozzles to the basket and due to centrifugal force the liquid is forced out through the filter media while solids are retained within the filter media inside the basket. These solids then separated or discharged by various discharging methods namely - manually, bag lifting basket, through scrapper, operated manually pneumatically / hydraulically, for which different models are available.

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